Monday, July 5, 2010

a whole new world

Hello. I have to admit that I have never been into the whole blog thing. It's as if there is a whole other world out there that I have yet to learn...

A friend of mine from work (who is an artist) told me that she does more art since she started her blog. I love to bake. I always have. I find it a relaxing and enjoyable past time. The purpose of my blog is to push me to bake more. To help me think of fun, new and delicious things to try and share with whoever decides to read this. And hopefully, people can give me some good suggestions of things to try.

I decided to take on a project that I call the muffin project. I want to attempt to perfect the muffin. The first flavor of muffins I made were chocolate chip muffins. They weren't the best muffins I've ever had but they were tasty. It'll give me something to work on!

Originally, I was going to focus mainly on muffins and blog about that. But after thinking about it, I realized that I enjoy baking way too much and do not want to limit myself to just one thing. Hopefully, this blog will help encourage me to try lots of new things.


  1. good luck in your quest and most importantly... ENJOY!

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  4. Can't wait to taste your perfected muffin!

  5. I volunteer, as always, my taste testing services. Such altruism.

  6. oooh - post the pics of the "old mcdonald" muffins you made for me!
